The Way We Think

The Undeniable Fact of Life
We do what we do for a reason.
In other words, some kind of reason, whether
good or bad, is at the root of everything we
do. To the average person, this doesn't mean
much, but you're not average.
If you asked ten people on the street why
they want to change or improve their lives,
I have no doubt that you would get a whole
lot of,
'Huh? Um...I'm not really sure. I guess I
never thought about it,'
'Because it would make me happy.'
Sorry, but that just isn't good enough. I
said we do what we do for a reason, but not
just any reason. It has to be a good one, a
powerful one. When you put a weak reason
behind any goal, it's not going to happen.
'It will make me happy,' isn't strong or
specific enough. It doesn't excite or
inspire. Taking into account the way our
mind works, this is never going to move you
to action.
And this is why so many people keep wishing
for a better life instead of enjoying one.
They don't have good enough reasons behind
their goals.
So what's the answer?
What Can I Do to Succeed?
Develop better reasons!
It's that simple. If I told you that walking
across the room would radically change and
improve your life in an instant - and you
truly believed it - I guarantee you would be
moving your feet right now.
Because the reason moved you to action. It
was powerful enough to make things happen.
And that's what you need to do when it comes
to your own ideas of a happier, more
successful life.
Think of yourself as a master storyteller.
The better story you tell about what success
will do for you, the faster it will happen.
When you sell yourself on what you want,
you'll effortlessly and automatically be
driven to make it happen.
And it all starts with a good reason.
So take some time right now to think of at
least three great reasons why your goal is
worth achieving. Make them specific,
powerful, exciting, and inspiring.
The Undeniable Fact of Life
Baca Juga
We do what we do for a reason.
In other words, some kind of reason, whether
good or bad, is at the root of everything we
much, but you're not average.

If you asked ten people on the street why
they want to change or improve their lives,
I have no doubt that you would get a whole
lot of,
'Huh? Um...I'm not really sure. I guess I
never thought about it,'
'Because it would make me happy.'
Sorry, but that just isn't good enough. I
said we do what we do for a reason, but not
just any reason. It has to be a good one, a
powerful one. When you put a weak reason
behind any goal, it's not going to happen.
'It will make me happy,' isn't strong or
specific enough. It doesn't excite or
inspire. Taking into account the way our
mind works, this is never going to move you
to action.
And this is why so many people keep wishing
for a better life instead of enjoying one.
They don't have good enough reasons behind
their goals.
So what's the answer?
What Can I Do to Succeed?
Develop better reasons!
It's that simple. If I told you that walking
across the room would radically change and
improve your life in an instant - and you
truly believed it - I guarantee you would be
moving your feet right now.
Because the reason moved you to action. It
was powerful enough to make things happen.
And that's what you need to do when it comes
to your own ideas of a happier, more
successful life.
Think of yourself as a master storyteller.
The better story you tell about what success
will do for you, the faster it will happen.
When you sell yourself on what you want,
you'll effortlessly and automatically be
driven to make it happen.
And it all starts with a good reason.
So take some time right now to think of at
least three great reasons why your goal is
worth achieving. Make them specific,
powerful, exciting, and inspiring.
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