Take a picture at the end of the driveway waiting for the bus (or at the bus stop). This is a classic picture.
Have them hold up a chalkboard or sign that they have written their name, date, and grade. You will see the handwriting change year after year and it is a great way to see progress.
Print their name, date, grade. If you’d rather not have them write their name, check out these back to school printables iheartnaptime.com for every grade.
Take the pressure off the first day pictures and take them on Back to School night or when the school has Open House.
Take a family picture and some in the classroom. You may even get some
great ones with the teacher and/or principal or other friends.
Take picture of child on front step with backpack on. Again, another classic for the photo album. I still have this one with our next door neighbor on our first day of Kindergarten!
Take a picture with props.
An apple and a book are great to start. You can think about lunch
boxes or stuffed animals or other favorite items. Great photo sessions
can begin with props!
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