Characteristic of Animaly Kingdom
The first
Name : Pig feather with eye is orange
Phylum : Echinoderms
The second
Name : sea star
Phylum : Eechinoderms
The third
Name : puppets shrimp
Phylum : Arthropods (crustacean)
The fourth
Name : blue spoons
Phylum : Porifera
- Form is sphere
- Have organ of the body sum 5 or its fold
- Its skin surface is full with thrones
- That thrones there is short and blunt, there is also which long and pointed.
- The color of its thrones is beige
- Need sun
- Life in depth about 5 m
- Not poison
- Life procedure is patch in rocks
Name : Pig feather with eye is orange
Phylum : Echinoderms
The second
- Form like star and have foot in its down like small thrones, long, and soft.
- The colors are red somewhat orange, hand red and java red.
- Have small nodules which sticky
- Multiplying with splitting self
- Another species are general star, brown sand star, angga star, zebra star, blue and green star.
- Not poison
- Life procedure is with fly use its skin which thin of one place to another place
- Its food is moss.
- Its temperature is 200C-250C
- Life at depth about 1-2 m
- Original place in sea water not far from beach in area which many rock
- Need sun
Name : sea star
Phylum : Eechinoderms
The third
- Form like common shrimp but smaller, have 6 foot and 4 moustaches.
- Its color is red piebald white.
- Not poison
- Life procedure is eat moss which patch in rocks and worm; if there is predator it hiding at slips of rocks; it each other scrapping for fighting over place, food and couple. And teaming.
- Its temperature is 20-250C
- Life at depth about 15 m
- Original place in sea water near beach and many rocks.
- Multiplying with laying eggs.
- Need sun
Name : puppets shrimp
Phylum : Arthropods (crustacean)
The fourth
- Form bones like finger and branching
- Its color is blue
- Not Poison
- There is some hole for respiration
- Life procedure is absorb water of its hole for respiration
- Its temperature is 250C-300C
- Life at depth about 10-15 m
- Original place in sea water near beach and many rocks.
- Need sun
Name : blue spoons
Phylum : Porifera
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